Giulia Scaffino listed amongst TUW Under 30
In 2023, Giulia Scaffino (27) is listed amongst the “TUW Under 30”, a list of selected TU Wien students and employees. Similar to the “Forbes Under 30”, this list features young and extraordinary researchers and entrepreneurs from the TUW, being able to present exceptional achievements in their area of research. Giulia graduated in nuclear physics and is doing her PhD at the Security & Privacy Research Group of Matteo Maffei. She specializes on Blockchain-protocols and is currently working on a blockchain bridge called “Glimpse”, enabling cross-currency transactions between Crypto-currencies. Giulia presented her results at the renowned IT conference USENIX Security Symposium.
For more details see the article featured in the current print issue of the TUW Magazine #02-2023 “Schwerpunkt: Under 30” (pages 26-28) and also her bio online.