
Cryptography provides the fundamental building blocks such as encryptions and signatures, that are at the basis of any secure and privacy-preserving system.
Distributed Systems and Networks

Security and Privacy for Networks revolves around confidentiality and integrity of traffic in networks such as the internet or the mobile network. In our research, we also consider other distributed systems as for example Blockchain.
System Security

System Security deals with security and privacy of systems and applications. This includes hardware devices, operating systems, regular applications and web-applications.
Formal Methods in Security and Privacy

Using formal methods we are able to provide strong mathematical guarantees for security and privacy. This can be achieved through manual proofs, or automated techniques such as model checking or type systems. Formal methods can be applied to all areas of security and privacy research.
Machine Learning

For Security and Privacy in Machine Learning, we consider the privacy of datasets and the robustness of classifiers against maliciously crafted input. We also consider Machine Learning as a tool for Security and Privacy, for example to detect vulnerabilities or malicious behaviour.