System Security
System Security
System Security deals with security and privacy of systems and applications. This includes hardware devices, operating systems, as well as mobile, computer and and web applications.
An Approach to Supporting Militia Collaboration in Disaster Relief Through a Digital Environment. Philipp Hechenberger, Günter Fahrnberger, Gerald Quirchmayr (I4CS, 2021) ↗
Assuring long-term operational resilience in a pandemic - Lessons learned from COVID-19. Stefan Hofbauer, Gerald Quirchmayr (IAIT, 2021) ↗
Digital Transformation for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) - A Security, Safety and Privacy Perspective on AI. Andreas Holzinger, Edgar R. Weippl, A Min Tjoa, Peter Kieseberg (CD-MAKE, 2021) ↗
Human Control of Self-Organizing Safety Systems. Dieter Etz, Wolfgang Kastner (SA, 2021) ↗
Secure Internal Data Markets. Peter Kieseberg, Sebastian Schrittwieser, Edgar R. Weippl (Future Internet, 2021) ↗
Security, Trust and Privacy - Challenges for Community-Oriented ICT Support. Gerald Quirchmayr (I4CS, 2021) ↗
SoK - Automatic Deobfuscation of Virtualization-protected Applications. Patrick Kochberger, Sebastian Schrittwieser, Stefan Schweighofer, Peter Kieseberg, Edgar R. Weippl (ARES, 2021) ↗
The Future of Information Systems in a Post-COVID World by TC8 (Information Systems). Isabel Ramos, Dale Mackrell, Alta van der Merwe, Jan Pries-Heje, Jolita Ralyté, Janis Stirna, John Krogstie, Matthew Jones, Benjamin Mueller, Frédéric Adam, Bettina Jaber, Edgar R. Weippl, Marijn Janssen, Amany Elbanna, Banita Lal, Pierluigi Plebani, Allen C. Johnston, Li Da Xu (IFIP's Exciting First 60+ Years, 2021) ↗
Towards Adding Safety and Security Properties to the Industry 4.0 Asset Administration Shell. Ali Mohammad Hosseini, Thilo Sauter, Wolfgang Kastner (WFCS, 2021) ↗
Virtual Knowledge Graphs for Federated Log Analysis. Kabul Kurniawan, Andreas Ekelhart, Elmar Kiesling, Dietmar Winkler, Gerald Quirchmayr, A Min Tjoa (ARES, 2021) ↗
Actively Probing Routes for Tor AS-Level Adversaries with RIPE Atlas. Wilfried Mayer, Georg Merzdovnik, Edgar R. Weippl (SEC, 2020) ↗
Editorial - Special issue on security and privacy in smart cyber-physical systems. Lotfi Ben Othmane, Doug Jacobson, Edgar R. Weippl (Comput. Secur., 2020) ↗
HydRand - Efficient Continuous Distributed Randomness. Philipp Schindler, Aljosha Judmayer, Nicholas Stifter, Edgar R. Weippl (IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2020) ↗
A Quantitative Evaluation of Trust in the Quality of Cyber Threat Intelligence Sources. Thomas Schaberreiter, Veronika Kupfersberger, Konstantinos Rantos, Arnolnt Spyros, Alexandros Papanikolaou, Christos Ilioudis, Gerald Quirchmayr (ARES, 2019) ↗
A Versatile Security Layer for AutomationML. Bernhard Brenner, Edgar R. Weippl, Andreas Ekelhart (INDIN, 2019) ↗
Analysis of the Internals of MySQL/InnoDB B+ Tree Index Navigation from a Forensic Perspective. Peter Kieseberg, Sebastian Schrittwieser, Peter Frühwirt, Edgar R. Weippl (ICSSA, 2019) ↗
Assuring Compliance with Protection Profiles with ThreatGet. Magdy El Sadany, Christoph Schmittner, Wolfgang Kastner (SAFECOMP Workshops, 2019) ↗
Avoiding Risky Designs When Using Blockchain Technologies in Cyber-Physical Systems. Nicholas Stifter, Matthias Eckhart, Bernhard Brenner, Edgar R. Weippl (ETFA, 2019) ↗
Conclusion and Outlook on Security and Quality of Complex Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering. Stefan Biffl, Matthias Eckhart, Arndt Lüder, Edgar R. Weippl (Security and Quality in Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering, 2019) ↗
Enhancing Cyber Situational Awareness for Cyber-Physical Systems through Digital Twins. Matthias Eckhart, Andreas Ekelhart, Edgar R. Weippl (ETFA, 2019) ↗
Enhancing credibility of digital evidence through provenance-based incident response handling. Ludwig Englbrecht, Gregor Langner, Günther Pernul, Gerald Quirchmayr (ARES, 2019) ↗
Fingerprinting using database steganography. Peter Kieseberg, Sebastian Schrittwieser, Edgar R. Weippl (ICSSA, 2019) ↗
From Hack to Elaborate Technique - A Survey on Binary Rewriting. Matthias Wenzl, Georg Merzdovnik, Johanna Ullrich, Edgar R. Weippl (ACM Comput. Surv., 2019) ↗
Introduction to Security and Quality Improvement in Complex Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering. Stefan Biffl, Matthias Eckhart, Arndt Lüder, Edgar R. Weippl (Security and Quality in Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering, 2019) ↗
Measuring Cookies and Web Privacy in a Post-GDPR World. Adrian Dabrowski, Georg Merzdovnik, Johanna Ullrich, Gerald Sendera, Edgar R. Weippl (PAM, 2019) ↗
Quantitative Security Risk Assessment for Industrial Control Systems - Research Opportunities and Challenges. Matthias Eckhart, Bernhard Brenner, Andreas Ekelhart, Edgar R. Weippl (J. Internet Serv. Inf. Secur., 2019) ↗
Revisiting Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance Through Blockchain Technologies. Nicholas Stifter, Aljosha Judmayer, Edgar R. Weippl (Security and Quality in Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering, 2019) ↗
Securing Information Against Manipulation in the Production Systems Engineering Process. Peter Kieseberg, Edgar R. Weippl (Security and Quality in Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering, 2019) ↗
Security Analysis and Improvement of Data Logistics in AutomationML-Based Engineering Networks. Bernhard Brenner, Edgar R. Weippl (Security and Quality in Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering, 2019) ↗
Security Development Lifecycle for Cyber-Physical Production Systems. Matthias Eckhart, Andreas Ekelhart, Arndt Lüder, Stefan Biffl, Edgar R. Weippl (IECON, 2019) ↗
Security Related Technical Debt in the Cyber-Physical Production Systems Engineering Process. Bernhard Brenner, Edgar R. Weippl, Andreas Ekelhart (IECON, 2019) ↗
Toward the Ontology-Based Security Verification and Validation Model for the Vehicular Domain. Abdelkader Magdy Shaaban, Christoph Schmittner, Gerald Quirchmayr, A. Baith Mohamed, Thomas Gruber, Erich Schikuta (ICONIP, 2019) ↗
TrojanZero - Switching Activity-Aware Design of Undetectable Hardware Trojans with Zero Power and Area Footprint. Imran Hafeez Abbassi, Faiq Khalid, Semeen Rehman, Awais Mehmood Kamboh, Axel Jantsch, Siddharth Garg, Muhammad Shafique (DATE, 2019) ↗